Category: Uncategorized

  • We're On Third and Heading For Home

    What have we learned so far? It's been slow-going. A lot slower than we had anticipated. BUT, we are where we want to be. Life is great! May 16, 2022 April, 2022 March, 2022 February, 2022 January, 2022

  • I Can't Believe it's November!

    I have to keep reminding myself that we're in the middle of creating something from nothing (Well, not us. Larry Mullally and his crew are putting it all together). Whenever we get flustered, he and Dennis Odin Johnson (Natural Spaces Domes) are there to remind us that it will be alright and to just enjoy…

  • Middle of July . . .

    Things are coming together slowly but surely. Tracy and Shawn have installed the septic tank! I never thought I would be so happy about something like that! In the meantime, Cindy and I have been doing the tourist thing and the new resident stuff. We still don't have a physical address, so we can't get…

  • What a long, strange trip it's been . . .

    There are three things I learned while making the 3 day trip to Santa Fe:1) This is a very big country2) Sometimes, the GPS makes mistakes that cost an hour or two of travel3) Maps make things look a lot smaller than they actually are! Despite a couple missed turns and missteps, it was a…

  • T-Minus 10, 9, 8, 7 . . .

    It is the morning of July 4th. My office was closed last week and the house is a disaster area from all the stuff I couldn't decide to get rid of. We decided to rent a U-Haul. I know, typical. At least we are towing it with the truck and not the Subaru! Yesterday we…

  • Better Late Than Never

    A couple of weeks ago, we went out to the property. So excited to be there! Rounding every corner is driving into a postcard. The sunsets from the top of our hill are just amazing! We met with our contactor, Larry Mullally and with our well drillers Garcia Brothers Well Drilling out of Albuquerque. Permits…

  • The Ball is Rolling Now!

    The Ball is Rolling Now!

    Our house in Punta Gorda closed on May 4th and we moved to Rick and Kathy's travel trailer across the street. We were there for a few weeks until they hooked it onto the back of their truck and parked it on the New Mexico property for us (Thank-you!!) on May 25. We will be…

  • And So We Begin . . .

    April 15, 2021 We received an email last night from Dennis Johnson at Natural Spaces Domes ( with our house plans! We've been waiting a while but in his defense, we made quite a few changes over the past (almost) two years from a 36' diameter (plus the MinneDome as a guest house on all…