What a long, strange trip it's been . . .

There are three things I learned while making the 3 day trip to Santa Fe:
1) This is a very big country
2) Sometimes, the GPS makes mistakes that cost an hour or two of travel
3) Maps make things look a lot smaller than they actually are!

Despite a couple missed turns and missteps, it was a delightful trip thanks to our fearless and tireless friends Vicky and Jan. And thanks to our dog, Taylor, we had to make a couple extra pit stops so we did not drive too much at a stretch.

Me, Taylor and Vicky in the Route 66 Museum in Oklahoma asking the burning question on everyone's mind.
Taylor taking a break at a truck stop. He was such a good boy! Only got grumpy a couple of times.
(Back left to front right) Vicky, Cindy, Jan and Me at the Grumpy Rabbit (www.grumpyrabbitlonoke.com) in Lonoke, AR. What a pleasant surprise in the middle of nowhere!
The scenic overlook of the Chama River in Abiquiu. I can't get enough of this place!!
They've begun to clear the land!!! More photos to follow. Here you see the top of the property looking toward Cerro Pedernal. Since we are building dome homes, it appears as though two flying saucers have landed!